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The modern day woke idealogy, transgender, God, Christianity and evolution and Jesus.

Updated: Sep 12, 2023

So we all have been seeing the modern day woke idealogy that has been doing the rounds for a while now, and this got me wondering about it and why they believe what they do. We will be discussing the ideas of the woke generation, transgender, evolution, Christianity, God and Jesus and how they all affect us.

Modern day thinking will normally tell you to reject the bible and traditional values because they are outdated, for the unintelligent, use your brain and see the lies etc. Science and testing theories and how anything to be proven has to be observable and testable would throw any religious beliefs out the window the minute it is discussed. But where are the same people saying that when it comes to transgender beliefs and views. Why are the scientists and science students not telling transgender people show me proof you are a trans man/woman, not just that you believe it. Why is a religious belief where it talks about a Higher Power and where things are expected of us as humans fought against and cause division and analyzed and scrutinized from a scientific viewpoint, but the minute someone says I am transgender, all of a sudden the scientific community doesn't challenge this thought process at all. You never see a scientist at a transgender rally asking them why and whether its provable, its just accepted as their belief and that's it. Neil deGrasse Tyson admitted in a interview which can be seen here:

That essentially either transgender is a biological cause, which then removes the problem, or its a mental cause which then brings out accountability for how the individual behaves, but that the individuals rights cant be transgressed. Which is fair, even though someone might not lead the life you agree with, it nowhere gives us permission to now hurt that individual. Jesus himself many times encountered sinners and never once did he get angry, judgmental, have a superior attitude about that person etc, he met them at their level, forgave them and asked they sin no more. There is a concept I call the visible sin, which encompasses everything we can see the other person is doing and the Christian community loves to jump on whenever it arises. This involves adultery, homosexuality, gambling, alcoholism, pornography etc. Because we love taking a holier than though attitude when these come up, and point them out as sinful and make ourselves feel good as Christians, its easy to push these people away as a result. I have done it before, and I hope those people can forgive me and that I was not taken as the prime example of Christianity, just a dumb kid who didn't know better.

If we actually read the bible and see Jesus's relationship with his own disciples, you will notice that Jesus spent time with the sinners, and the lowest and the poorest, while the disciples were arguing about who is the greatest among them, and falling asleep while Jesus needed them, and basically their sinful nature was always present. It should not surprise us when we see sin in the church and in Christianity, it should be expected. From the leaders to the ushers to the new person who joined last week, everyone of us is engrained to commit sin. It will happen. always and everywhere.

When my family got hit with alcoholism, I had to change my lifestyle a lot to adjust for this new reality. Left my job to look after my family, get through the anger and hurt, questioned my faith in God and the bible, a lot of soul searching and questioning, you would be surprised as to how much you start asking questions when all you have is time and nothing is working out the way you wanted. I started watching a lot of Christian apologetics like Frank Turek (Cross Examined) and Cliffe Knechtle

I see this as me doing what the bible says, seek and ye shall find. The thing I mostly get from that is to search for answers, seek out the truth, don't just accept what is told to you blindly. I am not a very spiritual Christian, you will not find me speaking in tongues at church( in fact I feel very fake doing that, like its all non sensical babble, but that's a discussion for another time.), or driving out demons etc. My faith is more real, evidence based on what we can actually understand. Like I learnt recently that the word day in the bible in genesis can mean a solar day, a period of morning and night, or a defined period of time. So when God made the world in 7 days, it could refer to anyone of those. So that does bring into question the evolution vs creation and the age of the earth into debate. But the important thing to remember, the age of the earth is not something we need to confirm to confirm. It is nice to know and discuss and learn about, but Jesus is irrelevant to the age of the earth. You can view more here on that here.

Unfortunately it is somewhat difficult to come to a conclusion and final answer on some of these things as there is always a counter argument, Atheist says A, Christian says B, Atheist says C and so on and so on. there is always a counter argument to the others point of view.

But back to the main reason for this. The danger of Woke ideology is that it makes everyone just accept whatever is happen as ok, as long as people are happy and given freedom, even if it hurts them. I had a young child come up to me recently and say he is looking for microplastics, when I asked why, he said he was a turtle and that he wanted to eat them. Woke would say just let the kid think he is a turtle, and then one day he might actually die because he believed he should eat microplastics like turtles. Whether there were mental issues involved is another question, his parents were not at the event, but allowing this thinking would have resulted in his death. So just keep your mind open to potential dangers of being woke, there is a limit to what is rational and truthful, and what is harmful to everyone, even if it makes them happy.

In faith and love. Sven

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